Grangers work to clean Highway 34

Six Grange members put in a morning of cleaning a two mile stretch of Highway 34 sponsored by Marys River Grange. Many bags of trash were cleaned as well as some larger signposts and debris. Cans and bottles which could still be returned for deposit were donated a local organization. Drivers, residents, and we presume wildlife too, were pleased to see the cleanup take place.

Granger Judy picks up trash while Granger Jay stops to investigate the Daffodils.

Marys River Grange Hall work progress and plans.

If you have not checked out the Grange Hall recently, you may want to come to a meeting and witness the fruits of our members labors.

Over the last few years the Junior room was remodeled to remove the old carpet. The connecting room has been completely revamped and is nearing completion. New siding was installed to replace the aging siding on the west (main entrace) side of the hall. Electrical wiring, much of it out of code, has been replaced by grounded and insulated wiring. Bare incandescent bulbs in the stage and meeting area have been replaced with dimmable LED lights. A grant from Benton County Cultural Coalition was received in 2017 to make acoustic enhancements to the stage area, and that project is nearly complete, the only remaining portion is to add acoustic insulation under the stage floor.  The main hall wood stove has been replaced, due to cracks in the firebox of the old unit. The Grange recently contracted out work to repair the sagging south and east foundation walls, which is underway.

Projects to replace the old fluorescent lighting with efficient LED lighting and to improve the exterior sign (with matching grant funding from the Oregon State Grange) have been approved by membership.

Projects under discussion include replacing old single pane windows in the kitchen and behind the stage, painting the main hall interior, and the need to replace the existing roof.

New Marys River Grange website debuts

Welcome to the revised web site for Marys River Grange#685.

What’s New?

Rental information has been updated, including a floor plan.
Contact information has been updated.
List of Officers has been updated.
New photos and an image gallery.
Links to Benton Granges, Oregon and National Grange and community services and local agrarian businesses.
History of  Marys River Grange#685.
A News blog page that will feature work on the hall, events and items of interest to Grangers.