Thank you for your interest in renting our Grange Hall. Hall rental fees keep the lights on and fund improvements and repairs to the Grange Hall.

Rental Procedure
Step 1: Read the following rental agreement and frequently asked questions.
Step 2: Check the calendar at for availability of preferred date(s).
Step 3: Contact a rental representative at
Step 4: Schedule a tour of the Grange Hall, if desired.
Step 5: Fill out pages 5 – 7 of the rental agreement and pay the $500 per day rental fee for Friday – Sunday, and $150 per day rental fee for Monday – Thursday. There is a $500 refundable security deposit, returned the next week, if the hall is left in good shape. The rental fee is not refundable if a cancellation occurs within 30 days of the scheduled event.
Mail the rental agreement, rental fee, and security deposit to:
Marys River Grange #685
PO Box 1301
Philomath, OR 97370
Or schedule to meet a Grange representative to pay cash.
After verbal or email commitment to a rental, the date will be held for five days. If the renter does not submit the rental agreement, rental fee, and security deposit within five days, the date will NOT be reserved. (We are not responsible for receiving mail on time.)
Step 6: Check the calendar at for confirmation. The date is now reserved. If your event is listed on the calendar as “Pending” we have not yet received your contract or payment.
Step 7: The week of your event, schedule with a Grange representative to pickup a key on the morning of your event. Have a great time, be safe, respectful and responsible.
Step 8: After your event, clean the hall according to the cleaning and closing procedure.
Step 9: Put the key in the drop box before 8 am the following day.
Step 10: The week after your event, you will receive a phone call or email from a Grange representative to discuss your security deposit. The security deposit will be returned in full to the renter within one week after the event IF:
- The Grange Hall was cleaned appropriately.
- There was no damage to property or neighboring properties.
- The key was returned on time.
- There was no other violation to the rental agreement.
Violations of the rental agreement
may result in a
forfeiture of the full security deposit
Grange Hall Facilities and Use
Please be respectful of our Grange Hall and it will continue to be a community resource in the future.

Main Hall – with a capacity of 122 seated at tables, or 260 seated or standing
2,000 square foot wood dance floor with a capacity of 122 seated at tables, or 260 seated or standing
200 square foot stage
20 six-foot, white rectangular folding tables (no table cloths)
2 island countertops
1 wooden rolling altar table
several card tables
120+ chairs
8 pews around the perimeter
2 wood furnaces with firewood
The main hall does NOT have a sound system or air conditioning.
OPEN FLAMES are not permitted in the Hall.
STILLETO HEELS are not permitted in the Hall because they damage our floor.
Do NOT damage the floor with improper footwear or furniture movement.
Do NOT move any wall hangings.
Do NOT use confetti, rice, birdseed, etc. anywhere on the property, inside or out.
Do NOT use nails, glue, tape of any kind, or any other means of decorating that may damage Grange Hall walls. Blue masking tape which does not leave adhesive residue may be used in the hall if it is removed afterward
Do NOT bring any pets on the premises. (Service animals are okay)
Do NOT exceed maximum capacity of 122 seated at tables, or 260 standing or with chairs only, unless
prior special arrangements have been made with the Grange and the Fire Department.
Do NOT post signs or banners on the outside of the building.
2 electric ovens/ranges
1 refrigerator
1 two-chamber sink
Cleaning supplies
Dishes, silverware, and paper products are NOT available during rentals.
2 unisex, single toilet bathrooms wheelchair accessible, but not ADA
North Room – with an additional capacity of 50 seated at tables, or 110 seated or standing
1 Couch and 2 pews
Wireless Internet is available for additional charge at various speeds
Our service is only activated at renter request. The charges are:
Basic: Browse the web, watch YouTube, hang out with friends on Facebook
Recommended Devices: 2, Max download: 3 Mbps $40
Standard: Designed for standard definition video streaming services
Recommended Devices: 3, Max download: 8 Mbps $60
Enhanced: Designed for high definition (720P and 1080P) video streaming content.
Recommended Devices: 4, Max download: 12 Mbps $70
Gaming: Low latency, high bandwidth account for the dedicated gamer.
Recommended Devices: 5, Max download: 20 Mbps $100
Extreme: Designed for users who need the fastest of speeds.
Recommended Devices: 6, Max download: 40 Mbps $150
Parking Lot/Grounds
Capacity: 45-50 cars (if well organized)
Do NOT park in the grass.
Do NOT cross the marked property line onto neighbor’s property.
Do NOT allow guests to park in the Greengable Gardens parking lot. (Renters are responsible for where their guests park and how they behave. If guests park in the Greengable Gardens Parking lot, vehicles may be towed at the owner’s expense, and the renters will forfeit their security deposit.)
Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)
Can I set up the day before or clean up the day after my event if the Grange Hall is not rented?
If you need extra time to set up or clean up, you will need to rent another full day of use. The evening before a wedding or party, starting at 7 PM, can be rented for $150 additional charge.
If I join the Grange, can I rent the Grange Hall for less than the standard rental rate?
Active Grange members are allowed to rent the Grange twice per year for $50 per rental. To be an “active member” you must be a paid member ($50), and you must attend at least three Grange meetings or work parties.
I represent a worthy organization or cause. Can I rent the Grange for less than the standard rental rate?
The Marys River Grange is a not-for-profit organization, and rental fees maintain and improve the building, and facilitate our charitable activities. The Marys River Grange sponsors several community events per year, but aside from those, all others must pay the full rental rate.
Can I reserve a date for a Grange Hall rental for a while before paying the full rental fee and security deposit?
After a verbal commitment to a rental, the Grange representative will hold the date for you for up to five days. If we do not receive your rental agreement, rental fee, and security deposit after five days, the date becomes available to other potential renters.
Am I allowed to serve alcohol at my private event held in the Grange Hall?
If you wish to serve alcohol during the event you MUST abide by the following:
Renters must use one of the two options listed below to ensure appropriate insurance licensing documentation are met:
- Use of a licensed and insured company (caterer, winery, brewery, etc) to provide and serve the alcohol with a licensed OLCC server, or;
- Use of a “Special Events Insurance” policy, acquired by the renter, allowing the renter to provide the alcohol for the event, using a licensed OLCC server to serve the alcohol.
With either of these options, the insurance policy must list as additional insured for the day(s) of the event, of no less than $1,000,000.00 in coverage, the following:
- OLCC servers name
- Marys River Grange #685
- Oregon State Grange
Why was my Security Deposit not returned in full?
Marys River Grange contracts with a cleaning service. If the Hall floors, kitchen or bathrooms are
left dirty, there is a $250 deduction for paying the cleaners. Any additional work – returning
furniture, cleaning the grounds of trash, removing food from bottle deposit container, cleaning chairs, walls or tables, is performed by members, and charged at $25 per hour. Damage to the Hall or equipment is charged time and materials as appropriate, and unauthorized use of any Grange only areas or equipment (including Junior materials) is not allowed and will be charged at the discretion of the post-rental inspector.
If you want your Deposit returned in full, it’s easy – leave the Hall as you found it.