Marys River Grange took a huge step forward in replacing it’s aging and leaking roof yesterday.
Fifteen Grangers welcomed around 200 visitors to the Grange Hall. Rummage items were sold, a new member was gained, pies were auctioned, a cord of firewood was given to the person who guessed it held 600 pieces (612 was the correct number), raffle tickets for both Marys River and Summit Star Quilters were sold, vegetables were sold, stories were told, old friends were met and new ones made. We picked the perfect name for the day.

The support from the community was a joy to experience. But the most touching moments of the day were hearing the stories from people in the area about the Grange and our Hall and how it impacted their lives.
Our motto for our fund raising project has been “It takes a community to raise a roof”, and that was so evident yesterday. We are thankful and proud of everyone who has supported us, donated to us, our members and friends who contributed to making this a success, those who publicized it and spread the word and those who came out and visited us yesterday, talked with us and supported us with your purchases. We raised a little over $4000 in six hours, and that is such a tremendous help.

We could not do this alone, and your support inspires us to better serve our community.